50 Thoughtware
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50 Thoughtware
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Perhaps the most underrated revolutionary power you possess is to inspect, reconsider, and possibly upgrade your own personal Thoughtware. Why is this? Because the human morphogenetic field is formed by all human thoughtware combined. Submitting yourself to Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) changes nothing. But Upgrading even one piece of your Thoughtware stands out like a shining golden star in a dark sky which others can more easily notice and explore. One person Upgrading one piece of Thoughtware skews the entire average into new dimensions. But here, on this website, we offer you 50 outstanding Thoughtware Upgrades from Archiarchy - a new regenerative culture emerging on Earth! Here you get Thoughtware you can apply in your daily life to see immediate new results. Your High Level Fun multiplies when you invite others to go on this Thoughtware Upgrade adventure together with you during a weekly online or offline S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Group or Possibility Team meeting.
Thoughtware Upgrades cause personal and organizational Transformation, therefore:
Whatever Thoughtware Upgrade you can distinguish,
begin it!
Transformation has Possibility, Agency, and Magic in it.
- Clinton Callahan
Originator of Possibility Management
Thinking new thoughts can involve learning new words.
On the one hand, jargon is a pain in the ass.
On the other hand, clarity is Gold.
We choose the Gold.
Hoping it will be useful to you, we created a 'Distinctionary' of Archan terminology.
The Distinctionary is an alphabetical listing of the Distinctions that form the skeleton of Archan Thoughtware.
Distinctionary entries include links to whole websites in the StartOver.xyz platform, giving you deeper explanations of the new Thoughtware, and powerful everyday-life Experiments to try for practicing your new skills.
What Is Thoughtware?
Thoughtware is what you use to think with.
Not what you think about, but how you think about what you think about. That's Thoughtware.
We don't learn about Thoughtware in school. In school, they taught you what to think about - facts, concepts, formulas, dates, names - but not what to think with. You needed to already know how to think before they would let you into school.
So, where did you learn to think? (From your parents.)
And, where did your parents learn to think? (From their parents, and so on.)
This means you are using Thoughtware that has been passed down from generation to generation for perhaps thousands of years. You are using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.).
So are most people in the Capitalist Patriarchal Empire of modern culture.
New versions of Thoughtware are available. If you want, you can upgrade your Thoughtware.
How often do you upgrade the software in your phone? (As often as they announce that new upgrades are available, even once a month.)
But upgrading your phone software is a bother. Why do you do it? (To get the new features.)
These same considerations apply to Upgrading your own personal human Thoughtware.
Your Thoughtware is what formulates the ways in which you can interact with the world. Your Possibilities, inhibitions, limitations, relationships, and abilities for creating outcomes are all determined by your Thoughtware.
One would think it would be common knowledge how valuable it is to examine one's Thoughtware. But Thoughtware introspection is not a class taught in modern schooling. Nonetheless, Thoughtware introspection is a central theme in Archiarchy. It is part central to Self Observation, and Noticing.
Possibility Management is 'Thoughtware for Archiarchy' because Possibility Managment originates in the same Context as Archiarchy, namely the Context of Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, Radical Responsibility, Nonmaterial Value, Clarity, Love, Empowerment, and Possibility.
When someone draws Thoughtware as an illustration or a map, it becomes a 'Thoughtmap'.
The website PM Thoughtmaps shows some of the Thoughtmaps from Possibility Management which are used in Archiarchy.
Thoughtware Upgrades in process... looks pretty fun and exciting?
What Is A Thoughtware Upgrade?
Think of the original flatworld Thoughtmap. There it is, a disk with water falling off its edges into infinite space. If you sail away from known territory on your flatworld map, you fall off the edge of the world and die. Scary thought... Makes you want to stay at home, eh?
But before the flatworld Thoughtmap, there was no Thoughtmap at all of the territory where we lived. Having the flatworld Thoughtmap gave us the power to locate the good guys, the bad guys, the treasure... Those first Thoughtmaps were very useful.
Then think about what happened five-hundred years ago when someone proposed new round-world Thoughtmaps.
What happened to those new mapmakers? (They were killed or put in prison.)
Why? (Because their new Thoughtmaps upset the existing power structures. The psychopaths who had clawed their way to the top of the hierarchy were afraid of losing their positions.)
Nowadays, the idea of Upgrading Thoughtware has become easier to imagine due to our smart phones and laptops
Imagine upgrading the Operating System of your phone. When you start the Upgrade, your whole phone shuts down. The old Operating System is erased or is being rearranged for a few moments while you wait in the dark. In this time, your phone is in a Liquid State.
Your phone's Liquid State is a close approximation to a human Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State. The difference is that when upgrading your personal Thoughtware, you will experience the Liquid State from the inside. It could be uncomfortable for a few moments in any of your 5 Bodies.
The ideas you adopted during your childhood as your Survival Strategy worked just fine for you (or we would not be having this conversation now...). However, childhood Survival Strategies are not necessarily the optimal Thoughtware to use for trying to live in the world as an adult... perhaps you have noticed this already?
The questions then arise:
- What other Thoughtware is available for you to use?
- How exactly does one go about Upgrading your personal Thoughtware?
Excellent questions!
Conditions for successful Personal Thoughtware Upgrade include:
- You are in a 3 Cell or a Possibility Team that meets regularly to support each other's Transformation and Thoughtware Upgrades.
- You have good physical health from being Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled so that you can ride through the Personal Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid States.
- You have sound mental / psycho-emotional fitness for exploring beyond the edges of the known world of your Box and Comfort Zone.
- You have developed significant competence with Inner Navigating your Feelings and Emotions.
- You have enough Radical Simplicity and free Attention from relocating your Presence to a Minimized Now.
- You have a Transformed Gremlin and Decontaminated Adult Egostate to implement your Integrity, your Commitments and Your Word.
- You have strong Clarity about your Old Thoughtware through Self Observation and Feedback from your Teams.
- You have strong Clarity about new possible forms of Thoughtware which you understand and are inspired to try.
- You are in a held Process Space in which to experience the Liquid States of grieving how much time you spent using the old Thoughtware and what that cost you in terms of intimacy and Possibility.
- You are in a held Experiment Space in which you try bit-at-a-time or all-at-once to implement the new Thoughtware.
Sometimes you can upgrade a piece of old Thoughtware by reading certain Thoughtware Upgrade Articles or Thoughtware Upgrade Books, watching certain Thoughtware Upgrade Videos, participating in a Thoughtware Upgrade WorkTalk, Thoughtware Upgrade Workshop, or Thoughtware Upgrade Training such as Expand The Box.
Sometimes you can upgrade a piece of old Thoughtware through an Emotional Healing Process (EHP), or Possibility Coaching, or a Feelings Practitioner Clinic.
Sometimes you can upgrade a piece of old Thoughtware reflexively, that is, by experiencing a new piece of Thoughtware become operational in the place where some old Thoughtware is fading away simply due to having built enough of the right kind of Matrix in your Being that the Thoughtware Upgrade happens all by itself, without any conscious effort on your part.
We recommend using all of the above options for your Thoughtware Upgrading needs...
And right here on this website, we offer you 50 Thoughtware Upgrade Experiments to Archiarchy! You could become an Experimenter and try these!
It is clear that the world is in flux. But amidst this turbulence, new ways of thinking, living, and being are sprouting like seeds pushing up through the Earth.
This emergence is not just a possibility; it’s a necessity. It’s the natural, unstoppable force of life demanding to be nurtured. And it’s not something we can sit back and watch from the sidelines. It’s an invitation to actively participate in the creation of something unprecedented—a world where creativity, connection, and compassion are the guiding principles.
As the old fades away, the new is ready to take root. This is our moment to shape the future we want to see, to plant the seeds of a world where everyone thrives. Let’s nurture it together.
- Jon Symes pachamama.org, jonsymes.com
What Is Thoughtware Upgrade To Archiarchy?
By studying and discussing the above two sections (Thoughtware, and Thoughtware Upgrade...), only one question remains. What is Thoughtware Upgrade To Archiarchy?
Modern culture teaches Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware which is designed to create the Capitalist Patriarchal Empire that rules over modern culture inhabitants creating the ecocidal outcomes of modern culture.
There are, of course, many kinds of Thoughtware Upgrades in which you could engage. For example:
- You could create Thoughtware that justifies a penal system that puts offenders in self-contained underground bunkers until they die.
- You could create Thoughtware for approving only Genetically Modified Organisms as fit for human consumption.
- You could create Thoughtware for a society that values citizens over the age of 70 years and only if they have one million Euros in their personal bank accounts, and everyone else are their servants providing food, shelter, comforts and conveniences.
- Etc.
Out of all possible Thoughtware Upgrades that could be made, some of them generate the regenerative initiation-centered nonmaterial-value radically-responsible culture of Archiarchy. For example:
- You could co-create a new legal system that functions according to the set of values and distinctions outlined in a Bill Of Wrongs.
- You could deduce new kinds of logic for making life choices that serve your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage rather than popular concepts such as 'success' or 'profit'.
- You could establish new Thoughtware in the Rules Of Engagement of a secret Hogwarts-style University that not only provides 5-Body Healing and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, but also trains Gameworld Builders to create more secret Hogwarts-style Universities.
- And so on.
The point is that if you make more than a few personal Thoughtware Upgrades to Archiarchy, you are no longer able to live in the Capitalist Patriarchal Empire of modern culture. You don't fit in anymore. Patriarchy won't make sense to you anymore. It will become too painful for you to continue implementing the Thoughware and traditions of modern culture.
Some of you have been looking forward to making Thoughtware Upgrades to Archiarchy your whole life. You cannot wait to take the next steps! Hallejulah brothers and sisters!
Others of you can't believe anyone would ever want to participate in anything other than the modern Capitalist Patriarchal Empire with its clever economic loopholes used for capturing the United States Supreme Court and the law-making machinery to promote war and reduce corporate restrictions. What could be more fun than hiding away another billion in U.S. or Singaporean tax havens?
"De gustibus non disputandem est," is Latin which roughly translates as, "There ain't no arguin' about tastes."
If you choose to continue Upgrading your Thoughtware to Archiarchy... here you are!
If not, please exit this website now...
The process of Upgrading your Thoughtware is cumulative but not linear.
What this means is that Upgrading your Thoughtware is not like:
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5
Upgrading Thoughtware is cumulative, Unreasonable, and Nonlinear. It goes more like:
Elephants + 42 + Dust Balls + Beehoven's 7th + Technopenuriaphobia = Expanded Context.
This is why Archiarchy Invention Centers are not organized into a logical or standardized curriculum. There is no 'right' order. Looking around to follow a 'correct procedure' is being Adaptive to some imagined external Authority figure. Trying to 'follow the curriculum' indicates that a childhood Survival Strategy is determining your life.
50 Thoughtware Upgrades to Archiarchy is 'childhood's end'.
This means on the one hand, your Survival Strategy no longer has value, because instead of protecting you, it has now become your prison.
On the other hand, you are designed for this radical transition out of childhood/adolescence and into Authentic Initiated Adulthood. Each Thoughtware Upgrade is a further Initiation into Adulthood and into your destiny. This is the Path.
Each person's Path is different. The specific thing you personally need to learn next is unique, and waiting directly in front of your nose.
Go figure it out!
No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your own thoughtware!
Go figure it out yourself !
Because no one else can figure it out for you.
50 Thoughtware Upgrade Experiments To Archiarchy
By thinking about what you are thinking with,
you can discover what you were not aware that you were not aware of.
When you consciously install new thoughtware to think with,
you start thinking new things in new territories,
possibly things you never imagined could be thought about.
This makes you an Experimenter.
By making all 50 of these Thoughtware Upgrades you will be living in Archiarchy.
Said in reverse: By ignoring even one of these 50 Thoughtware Upgrades, you are defending
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) for some particular reason...
If you can find your particular reason, you simultaneously discover the Doorway to your next Emotional Healing Process (EHP).
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.01
What happens when you put your Attention on something? Your consciousness goes there (your awareness...). Human awareness is one of the most precious and delicious substances in the Universe. Why else would corporations spend billions a year trying to get your Attention? Because if they can get your Attention, then they can get your wallet...
You consciously or unconsciously place your attention using your Will.
With Conscious Will, you can consciously place your Attention where you want it to be, and also NOT place your Attention where you DO NOT want it to be, so that you can cause what you want to cause.
The question is, which 'I' (identity) is doing the wanting? Which of your 'Parts' is in charge at the moment? But we will get to that later...
In the meantime, this Experiment is to develop enough Noticing muscles to Consciously Notice where you are placing your Attention.
For the next 7 days, DO NOT unconsciously place your Attention ANYWHERE, because then you will be flowing your consciousness there and feeding an Unconscious Purpose...
Okay, well then... DO NOT unconsciously place your Attention ANYWHERE for 7 hours...
Ahh, okay... well then, DO NOT unconsciously place your Attention ANYWHERE for 7 minutes.
Hmmm... I see... So then, well... DO NOT unconscious place your Attention ANYWHERE for a full 7 seconds. See if you can do that.
Practice this 25 times each day for the week: Not unconsciously placing your Attention ANYWHERE for a full 7 seconds. Can you do that? Can you sense when something wants to get your Attention? Don't place it there unless you Consciously Choose. Whose Attention is it, anyways?
After NOT placing your Attention anywhere for 7 seconds for 25 times in one day for 7 days in a row, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.02
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) regarding 'Defensive Learning' and 'Expansive Learning' by reading and doing Experiments in the Expansive Learning website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that I am a good learner."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State where I Notice that the kind of learning taught at school is called 'Defensive Learning'. It is an approach tha claims you can only learn about what you already know about. Defensive Learning conglomerates all learning onto the one acceptable 'Knowledge Continent' by putting it in its 'proper' place. Anything that has no place to dock-onto the Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware Curriculum remains at best invisible, or at worst is a basis for calling you crazy. I have started reclaiming the kind of learning I used before going to school, namely 'Expansive Learning'. When I discover something that does not fit onto any of my current Knowledge Continents, it stays afloat in my awareness and originates a new Knowledge Continent. I maintain access to hundreds of co-existing diverse Knowledge Continents and remain happy and sane, and very creative."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to stop naming each and every person, place, thing, occurance or experience for one whole month. Instead of hammering life until it fits into the concept pigeon-holes of Verbal Reality, let things be nameless for you. They are what they are, and their potentials remain unpredefined, free of the Verbal straightjackets that come from your culture and its beliefs. What is bigger, the set of all things, or the set of things you have a name for? Which set do I want access to? If you ever need to communicate about the person, place, thing, experience, or process, you use your Possibility Paintbrush and paint a bridge out of words so that the experience you have becomes an experience the other person has. In your Beep! Book, write a free-verse poem about Expansive Learning.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.03
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about your 5 Bodies by reading through the 5-Bodies website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to think that I had only a physical body and a mind."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State. I am Noticing that I have 5-Bodies:
- My Physical Body has organs to detect Experiential sensations.
- My Intellectual Body has a mind with opinions, stories, sensations and Attention.
- My Emotional Body has a heart with both Feelings and Emotions.
- My Energetic Body senses the existence and purpose of spaces, timing, and ownership.
- My Archetypal Body allows me to access Infinite Resources such as Bright Principles and my Archetypal Lineage, and to participate in the Archetypal Domains."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to have a 5-Body Check-In Conversation with another Archan, where one of you lets each of your 5-Bodies report to the other how it is doing, what it is Noticing, and what it wants next, while the other person repeats back using a Completion Loop. Then change roles.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.04
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) regarding 'Verbal Reality' and 'Experiential Reality' by reading through the Experiential Reality website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to think that I was connected to reality."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State where I am shocked to see how I am only connected to my mind. Most of reality slips by me while I stay numb, unconsciously terrified, blind to potentials, reactive rather than interactive, living in excruciating scarcity, isolating myself from my abundant inner and outer resources. There is so much of reality that I am a stranger to."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to find some trees and walk around under them with the request, "Hello Tree. Would you please give me a small stick? I need a small piece of wood to carry around to help me escape from my Verbal Reality prison and step into the multiple dimensions of Experiential Reality. I don't know how to do this. I need your help. Could you please help me come back to life as a 5 Body human being rather than staying stuck in the prison of my mind?" If you are lucky you will feel an emotion, perhaps sadness, some grief about how long you have been cut off from life at large. Let yourself feel these feelings out loud, as freely as you can. Let the tears roll down your cheeks. Feel the warmth then coldness of your tears. Do not wipe the tears away. Feel them dry into streaks of salt that itches on your skin. Let it itch. These sensations are life happening. If you are lucky, a small piece of wood will come to your attention. Do not pick it up at first. Instead, sense into how this particular piece of wood was brought to your Attention. What made you look at it? Why this piece of wood? Which tree did it grow on? How did that tree communicate with you in a way that brought your Attention to that piece of wood, as you asked it to? Move your Attention to that tree. Move closer and put your hands on that tree. Send gratitude to the Being of the tree that it heard your plea for help and gave you the piece of wood, even though you never thanked a tree before in your life for giving you all the wood you thoughtlessly used for tables, chairs, shelves, campfires, chopsticks, toothpicks, and so on. You have used all that wood like a selfish unconscious little child, uncaring of the trees. Express gratitude to this particular tree you are touching for giving you a Reminding Factor, a small stick with the potential of helping you regain your 5 Body aliveness. Keep breathing. Forget the blah! blah! in your mind. Look at the piece of wood. Slowly bend over and touch the piece of wood as slowly as you can possibly move. As slowly as a slug. Let the sensations of touching the wood enter your 5 Bodies in ripples of sensations that go all the way down to your toes. If the sensations do not go all the way to your toes, this is how numb you really are. Keep practicing. Slowly take the piece of wood into your fingers. Never put this stick down, even when eating, even when you take a shower, even when you go to sleep. Keep asking the stick / tree to give you new ways for bringing yourself to life in Experiential Reality.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.6
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about your 'Box' by studying and Experimenting through the Box Technology, Reactivity, Survival Strategy, Parts and Baggage websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to think that I was a human being."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State by doing Self Observation to Notice that I am mostly a machine, with each Part taking over whenever it gets emotionally triggered. I am mostly unaware of what causes me to Shift Identity. At the same time, this new Experiential Clarity gives me the Possibility of clicking my Clicker and making my Box Optional as a ten centimeter cube in the palm of my hand. Then I can stay Unhookable and enjoy the Being to Being connection with another person."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to do Self Observation for a month and list on a reserved page titled MY BOX in your Beep! Book all of the automatic Survival Strategies, necessities, fears, and isolation techniques of your Box. Then the instant any of these issues arises in your awareness as if it is 'the most important thing', immediately shift into a Meta Conversation and say to those people around you, "My Box is freaking out right now about (and say exactly what it is freaking out about)... but, I am not."
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.05
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about your 'Liquid State' by studying and Experimenting through the Liquid State website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to think that I could hold things rigidly in place."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State by acknowledging that my belief system is a tight prison I built to keep myself from being in the world. I let myself feel the impact of holding on to who I think I am and how the world works and defending this image against any change. By feeling the pain I am able to let the beliefs shatter and enter a Liquid State which will change my shape. A new shape enables the universe to collaborate me in a different way. There is no real change without a transformational Liquid State."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to completely shift your current reality by going to the edge of your Box and staying there. For this get together a Liquid State 3cell. Each write down 20 actions your Box prevents you from doing because they are too frightening, way out of what your woldview permits as acceptable, too silly or they would make you stand out. Then committ to do whatever it takes to complete all of them! Stay in the Liquid State that starts already with the desicion of completing the list. Can you be liquid for a day? A week? A month?
After doing this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.07
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.08
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.09
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.10
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.11
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.12
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.13
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.04
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.15
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about your 3 Powers by studying the Declaring, Choosing, and Asking websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that I was properly educated and trained because I went to school. I thought school was so important that I graduated from the University with a degree in ____ (if that is true)."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I realize that human beings have potentials, resources, and powers that modern education knows nothing about. I was never taught about these things, but by doing Edgework research, and by Practicing new skills, I am learning how useful my 3 Powers are."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be for the next month to do Conscious Declaring 5 times in one day, then the next day do Conscious Choosing 5 times that day, and on the third day do Conscious Asking 5 times per day. On day 4, start over again with Conscious Declaring. Cycle through these 3 practice days for an entire month (30 days). Imagine what it would feel like to become absurdly skillful in Declaring, Choosing, and Asking. Then give a WorkTalk about your Experiment and its results in your life.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.16
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about Being Centered by reading through the Become Centered website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to have no awareness at all about being Centered or being Adaptive. I just tried to win using competitive power games."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State. I am Noticing that I can develop skills for being Centered in each of my 5-Bodies:
- I am Centered in my Physical Body when I notice I am thirsty, hungry, tired, energized, enjoying the taste of orange juice, the crunch of toasted bread, the smell of coffee.
- I am Centered in my Intellectual Body when I am free of the Voices in my head.
- I am Centered in my Emotional Body when I can detect the difference between my Feelings and my Emotions and immediately put them to proper use.
- I am Centered in my Archetypal Body when I apply my Infinite Resources such as my Bright Principles and my Archetypal Lineage in the Space I am Navigating."
And when I am simultaneously Centered in all 5 Bodies, a new capacity and sensation arises: I am Present!"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be acknowledge that if someone else has your Center, you gave it to them. No one can take your Center. Each time you notice yourself being adaptive, playing small, not speaking out, trying to please them, being uncentered, immediately go to the person you gave your Center to and tell them, for example,"I am sorry. I gave you my Energetic Center. If I do that then I am being adaptive and I cannot be here to co-create with you. I am now taking my Center back. Let's start over. Hello!"
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.17
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about being alive on Earth by studying the Become Gaia and First Position websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to think that I lived on Earth, and that the Earth and its resources are ours to use up."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State by realizing that Earth is not our planet. Buckminster Fuller was wrong about that. We are not passengers on 'Spaceship Earth'. No. We are the Earth. My Grounding Cord is my personal two-way connection with Gaia."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be make it your Practice to start each day with being Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled in First Position. Once a day, first thing in the morning, send a message down your Grounding Cord to Gaia. Say something like, "Hello Gaia! I love you! Do you have anything for me right now?" Then write down in your Beep! Book whatever she says to you. Then say, "Anything else?" Write that down too. Then say, "Thank you Gaia! I'll talk with you tomorrow!"
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.18
You cannot change what happened to you.
Why? Because it already happened.
Try this: Do not have sat down just now. Can you do this? No.
Why not? Because you are already in the chair.
You cannot change something even it it happened only a few seconds in the past. Your Agency is located in the Present Moment. Power can only be applied NOW.
The question is, how big is your NOW?
You cannot change what happened to you, but you can change your relationship to what happened to you.
Changing your relationship to what happened to you can only happen NOW.
What is that relationship to what happened to you made out of?
Stories. Your Story about what happened to you is all that you have NOW from whatever happened to you before, or whatever you imagine about what might happen to you in the future. Your story about it. That is what you carry.
You may think you carry unexpressed emotions about what happened to you, but the only reason you can still find these unexpressed emotions is because you still carry your unexamined Story.
Who made up that Story in the first place? Probably you.
If you are using a Story created by someone else, who decided to use that Story? You did.
Changing your Story about what happened to you begins with 'Minimizing Your NOW.'
This Experiment is to interact with the world for 3 hours straight for 3 days in a row using a NOW that is no bigger than dropping a small stone to the floor. That falling time is the only time you could catch the stone and stop it from hitting the floor. That is how small to shrink you NOW down to.
After keeping your NOW shrunk for 3 hours for 3 days in a row, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.19
The 'problem' with Being Present in your 5 Bodies is that you will start to Feel and Notice things that your childhood Survival Strategy was blocking you from feeling and noticing in order to keep everything the same in your life. If you are not okay with consciously feeling your Feelings and Emotions, of if your are not okay with Noticing what other people are NOT Noticing, then your unconscious Fears will knock you unconscious and throw you back into the center of mainstream Zombie culture.
It can help you to escape from the stories in your mind that keep restimulationg your unconscious fears if you Minimize your NOW and become Present.
You see, Stories exist in time.
Stories are fictions.
Stories are about the past, or the future, or about you other people in the past or future, what might happen, what could have been different, etc.
In a Minimized NOW, there is no time.
A Minimized NOW is too small for Stories.
All of a sudden you enter Presence. What a fine place this is!
No more Voices nagging at you in your head. No more self terrorizing to keep you small and disempowered.
Each of your 5 Bodies has its own set of very special and useful sensations in the Present.
At first it may feel overwhelming to see so much and experience such intensity. Your expanded NOW keeps your Numbness Bar high and you generalze yourself into a fog.
But in a Minimized NOW, sounds become enormous. Smells impinge on your senses. The lives of little insects and birds start mattering to you. Unfairness and disrespect betewen people starts to matter immensely to you.
Don't worry. You are not going crazy. The world really is like this. It always has been and it always will be. You numbed yourself and shut down your senses to try to pretend to 'be normal' so that you are accepted by the people around you. At first this makes sense, but as you Build Matrix and get older than 18 years of age, you need to jack back in to reality.
In order to gain Agency as a Possibilitator you require an accurate assessment of current reality. With a little practice you will get used to the immensity and Immediacy of life happening inside of you and around you. You will learn to Navigate real life.
But first let's being with level flight... (as Jonathan Livingston Seagull might say...)
Practice Minimizing your NOW and entering the state of Presence.
Let the concerns of an expanded NOW relax away into nonexistence where they came from. Notice that you are breathing, hearing sounds, feeling sensations in your physical body, the air temperature and humidity, the breeze, the movement of other people and things with respect to your current position.
Hold your hand out palm down in front of you. Keep it there for no Reason. Let everything else that you might be imagining fall away. There you are with your hand held out flat in front of you, motionless, for no reason. Whenever you are ready, turn your hand palm up, again for no reason. Notice your Grounding Cord, your Bubble, your energetic Center on your physical Center.
Life actually is this simple. Keep breathing. Keep enjoying the vastness and nothingness of Presence.
After keeping your NOW shrunk for 3 hours continuously for 3 days in a row, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.20
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.21
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about your Feelings by reading through the Conscious Feelings website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone, "I used to have no awareness at all about what to do with my feelings except try to avoid them and pretent to be numb."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State. I Notice that I can develop skills for Inner Navigating my Conscious Feelings:
- Conscious Anger is for making boundaries and distinctions, starting things, stopping things, saying "No!" or "Yes!" or "Stop!" or "Go!"
- Concious Sadness is for accepting change, being with, letting go, apologizing, being vulnerable, listening, or getting Present.
- Conscious Fear is for detecting potential danger, making and keeping agreements, taking intelligent risks, planning, Noticing, and exploring the Unknown.
- Conscious Joy is for being generous, celebrating, appreciation, sharing my discoveries, inclusion, and Playing Full Out. "
I am Noticing that whenever I am Centered in my 5 Bodies, I start to feel. Feelings provide information and energy for a Free And Natural Adult!"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to start your next online or in-person meeting with a Low Intensity Feelings Check-In (less than 10% intense). Each person reports in less than one minute what they feel in all 4 feelings while everyone else listens. For example, someone might say, "I feel 7% angry because I did not eat enough for breakfast and I am already hungry. I feel 9% scared that the loud refrigerator sound will disturb my inner access to Nonlinear Possibility. I feel 5% sad that David is not here because I love his contributions to discovery spaces. And I feel 6% glad that I finished building the most recent website just before this meeting started." Then everyone says, "Thank you." Notice that while sharing feelings, no one can be wrong.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.22
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.23
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about Emotions by reading through the 4 Emotions website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that Emotions and Feelings were the same - bad. If I tried to express them I thought I would be put into a mental hospital under heavy brain drugs."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State. I am Noticing that I can develop skills for Inner Navigating my Feelings and Emotions. Feelings are for Handling things. Emotions are for Healing things."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to title a new page at the back of your Beep! Book: MY EMOTIONS. For the next month, Notice each and every Emotion that arises in you even if less than 10% intense. Write down each Emotion: "I feel afraid that I chose the longest line in the grocery store and someone will see me stupidly wasting my time." Or, "I feel angry because that guy just dropped his cigarette butt on the sidewalk not caring that this is his town, thinking that some slave like me will pick it up for him." Or, "I feel sad because no one actually knows what it is like in here for me. No one cares enough to ask me what is going on, or to listen to me." Then twice each week during this month, choose one of the Emotions you wrote down and use it as a starting point for an Emotional Healing Process (EHP) that you arrange to do in the Emotional Healing Collaboration Group on Telegram, or at an online or in-person EHP Dojo, or with your 3Cell, or with a Possibility Coach, or with a Feelings Practitioner, or with a fellow Possibilitator. Be sure to share the Gold that you discover in your EHPs so the whole Village can benefit.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.24
School could be centered around building your Inner Structure, but it is not. Therefore it is probable that you do not realize that you need a resilient Inner Structure to be prepared for your Authentic Initiatory Processes into Adulthood. You also need a clear and efficient Inner Structure to reclaim and navigate your personal Authority and your Conscious Will.
An unexamined Inner Structure limits your interactions with the Universe to Zombie-like numb, unconscious, knee-jerk Survival-based reactions. If you are unable to create anything other than this - and if that pisses you off enough - you may be ready to start consciously remodeling your Inner Structure.
This sort of inner reconstruction work is best done in a consistent, long-term meeting space specifically held for that purpose, such as a 3Cell or a Possibility Team.
The Thoughtware Upgrade here is that your Inner Structure is yours to play with and make into whatever you want. It is possible to become absurdly effective with Inner Navigating your Inner Structure, allowing you to create results beyond what you might currently be able to imagine.
PART 1: BECOME A MEME RESEARCHER Title a new page in your Beep! Book MY MEMES. A Meme is the smallest design instruction for your Intellectual Body... your mind, in the same way that a Gene is the smallest design instruction for your Physical Body. (Review the Memetics website for more on Memes.) Your Inner Structure is built largely out of Memes. Each of your Memes has a Purpose. Where did your Memes come from? How does each one serve you? Oddly enough, you will proceed best by first Noticing and documenting other people's Memes. We have discovered that by writing down what you detect about the Inner Structure of others, you discover your own Inner Structure. List 100 Memes from others. Put a check mark in front of them if you have the same Meme, and put a circle in front of them if you have a different Meme. If you have a different Meme, write down what your Meme is in comparison. Build your list to 100 of your own Memes.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.25
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about Gameworlds by studying the Gameworld Theory and Gameworld Builder websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that modern culture was true. I used to think it was the best thing that human beings ever invented."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I realize that human beings interact with each other in Gameworlds. Modern Culture is only a Gameworld built out of other Gameworlds. When I take responsibility for being a human being, I take responsibility for the Values of the Gameworlds I participate in. Otherwise I am one of the Zombies who is not aware of the Values of the Gameworlds he participates in... I might soon be choosing to participate in different Gameworlds. I might start building the more beautiful culture my heart knows is possible."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to call together a 3Cell - a dedicated Team of two other Possibilitators - to help you impartially examine the Gameworlds you support through your daily life. All of them... Make a complete list in your Beep! Book titled MY GAMEWORLDS. Next to each Gameworld, write 3 to 5 of the Values which are at the heart of each Gameworld, driving it onwards, leaving what tracks it may. Choose one of the Gameworlds that you are not happy about supporting. Make a precise and powerful Gameplan for completely extracting yourself from that Gameworld. Follow your plan to completion with the Unreasonably intense Pirate support of your 3Cell.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.26
If a child makes a mess, who cleans it up?
The mother.
This is Child Level Responsibility.
Modern culture is making huge messes with no intention at all of ever cleaning them up. This locates modern culture squarely on Child Level Responsibility. Even 'kings' of industry, political 'leaders', 'successful' businessmen, etc. are uninitiated adolescents. Adult Level Responsibility is beyond the borders of Modern Culture.
And yet, there is a Doorway to a transformational way of being called Radical Responsibility, where you take more Responsibility than is reasonable, than is fair, than is visible... you take more Responsibility than is possible. You can see this shift of orientation puts you into a different Space and a different relationship with the Universe.
This level of Responsibility is called Radical Responsibility.
Archiarchy is centered on Radical Responsibility. It is an interesting and challenging new Gameplan for your life.
No one can take Radical Responsibility for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from taking Radical Responsibility.
This Experiment is to take Radical Responsibility for one tiny thing for a short specified period of time. For example, take Radical Responsibility for cleaning up the dust and hairs under your desk for 5 minutes. Nobody asks you to do this. You might have to go down on your knees with a damp cloth and neurotically wipe up the dust all the way to the back corners without trying to gain praise by telling someone what you are doing. No. Just do it. Be it. Be Radically Responsible for handling the dust.
Or perhaps you you take Radical Responsibility for obtaining the ingredients and making lunch for the people around you even if it is not your turn, even if you do not know them. Tell them you are an Experimenter doing an Experiment in Radical Responsibility. Communicate with them more clearly and helpfully than they have ever experienced before.
Whichever form of Radical Responsibility you choose to manifest, do it Radically and Responsibly. Do three such Experiments this week.
After doing these three Experiments, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.27
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about Cultural Context and Patriarchy by studying the Set Context, What Now, Patriarchy, Hierarchy, and Psychopath websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that the culture I was born and raised in was truly the best culture in the world. Of course I am a woman and the men own me to do with as they please. I need their protection and their money. Of course I am a man and the world is my oyster. I am becoming a leader! I was never concerned that there might be other ways of being. I never considered what 'Patriarchy' means."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I don't even know who I would be or how to behave if I am not like I am now. My mother and father behave like this. My teachers were like this. My boss and the leaders are like this. Nobody actually cares about human sex trafficking, or the banks' dependence on drug trade and war, or fossil fuels and water tables already being past peak, or that we have exceeded the limits of Capitalism, Patriachy, and the age of Empire, even though we can see Earth's ecosystems dying, and us with them. Humans have overpopulated, but I want to live. Some people are refugees, but not me. Are we supposed to go back to being cavemen? I am afraid of going to the edges of modern culture. I will go crazy. I will fall off and die. Is there anything else?"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of these awarenesses and questions that challenge your current Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to call together a research WorkTalk series - three weeks in a row, either online or in person, titled something like: HEY! LET'S WAKE UP. Make a safe space that starts with you vulnerably speaking for 5 or 10 minutes about your own doubts and questions. Say something like, "I see that Patriarchy uses Hierarchical Power Structures that automatically promote Psychopaths to the top. It is a design error, promoted by the Psychopaths themselves, and it is annihilating life on Earth." Ask what what people think and feel about what they see going on and what they are thinking to do about it. This is not about having a Gameplan or coming up with 'solutions to the problems'. Instead, this is about getting unstuck, coming to life, stirring things up, and coming together. Open up to hearing about different people's unspoken wounds and fears. Let it be a little crazy. Focus on connecting with concerned human beings, people who are looking around with awareness and who care. Let more energy flow. Plan to stay connected with these people for a long time. Send them your Newsletter!
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.28
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about the emergence of next culture by studying the Archiarchy, Nonmaterial Value, and Archiarchal Economics websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think we lived in an advanced civilization that made sense, that promoted freedom and democracy, that develops technological solutions, and that I could be proud of because it was noble."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I see a new culture showing up through the cracks in Patriarchy. It is Archiarchy, the regenerative adulthood-initiation-centered nonmaterial-value radical-responsibility culture rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. I could not see it before, but now I notice it is not just hippies and Extinction Rebellion people. It is Cultural Creatives, laying down tracks for a new future. I have been hiding out at Child-Level responsibility, thinking that if I outsource responsibility, and make a 'profit' by 'externalizing costs', then third-world people can pay the price, or people in the future. I am getting a sense that my Gremlin is running my life. Holy Shit!"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to join an online or in-person Rage Club. Tell the Spaceholder something like,"I am researching the connection between the Capitalist Patriarchal Empire, Hierarchical Power Structures, and Psychopaths. I am stuck because I don't know how to navigate my Anger or my Fear. I want to escape from Patriarchy. I have a part to play in building next culture, Archiarchy. But I am trapped. Can you help me?" Write down in your Beep! Book the Golden Treasures of new experiences and Distinctions which you gain in each of your Rage Club sessions, and share your Treasure by writing Articles. Consider learning how to be a Rage Club Spaceholder yourself to help others flame on, and so you can eventually quit your corporate job.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.28 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.29
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) about the Space and Context of Gameworlds by studying the Cavitate Space, Set Context, Hold Space, and Navigate Space websites. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that all the forms for human interaction have already been discovered and defined."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I myself can Consciously Cavitate new Spaces that never existed before! I can Set the Context. I can establish the Rules Of Engagement. And I can invite other people into my new Gamespaces and see them unleash and empower new Potentials."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to call together the 3 founding members of your particular Growness which is dedicated to the Purpose of practicing specialty skills that focus on healing the Gaia / human disconnection on Earth through empowering new radically responsible Connection skills. Cavitate the new Gamespace together, and step into it together. Never exit your newly Cavitated Space. Keep meeting to deepen the Context of your new culture Space. Meanwhile, start to deliver your Nonmaterial Value immediately. Provide immensely unfair amounts of real value. If you provide true Value, the Universe will notice.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.30
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) regarding your Point of Origin by studying the Point of Origin website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that I am an individual person and that my desicions and actions originate from my own free will."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I realize that I fooled myself"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to act as if this statement is true: Auithentic Adulthood has a beginning, but it has no top end. Start your life as a Private Investigator searching for a beginning of Authentic Adulthood. Your life becomes a Meta Conversation. No matter what other people think you are doing, what you are actually doing is serving your Meta Purpose: hunting for the beginning of the Path... Hunting for an Adult who is not a Handsome Holy Tribal Man who can introduce you to the Work of becoming Authentically Adult. Bring your Quest to your Possibility Team. Each meeting, ask for new tactics and gameplan to achieve your goal.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.31
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) regarding Adulthood by studying the Adulthood website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that I am an adult because I am permitted to drive a car, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, vote for president, work at a job, pay taxes, and join the Army."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I realize that maybe none of the people around me are adults. None. Not my teachers, not the people in congress, not my boss, not the police, not even my parents or grandparents. This is scary as hell! Where are the Authentic Adults? Where is the Adulthood Path?"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to act as if this statement is true: Auithentic Adulthood has a beginning, but it has no top end. Start your life as a Private Investigator searching for a beginning of Authentic Adulthood. Your life becomes a Meta Conversation. No matter what other people think you are doing, what you are actually doing is serving your Meta Purpose: hunting for the beginning of the Path... Hunting for an Adult who is not a Handsome Holy Tribal Man who can introduce you to the Work of becoming Authentically Adult. Bring your Quest to your Possibility Team. Each meeting, ask for new tactics and gameplan to achieve your goal.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.32
PART 1: Become acutely aware of how your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) keeps you thinking and feelings as a child, and how you behave as an uninitiated adolescent even if you are older than 18 years of age by studying the Initiations website.
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State because I realize that I am not initiated. None of my friends or role models are initiated. My parents were never initiated into the Adulthood Path. I don't even know if I am prepared to begin my Adulthood Initiations. How do I find Authentic Initiators? How do I explain to my friends that I want to get Initiated?"
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to Radically Rely on the information given in the recommended books, articles, videos, and websites listed at the Initiations website. Then build up your courage and personally contact one of the Initiators. Ask them all your questions. Ask them to tell you how it was for them when they were like you are now. Share what you discover with others. Perhaps you could create a three person Team called a 3Cell with a couple others interested in departing from the Linear Life Plan and preparing yourselves to find the Eye Of The Needle.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.33
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.34
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.34 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.35
If you did not quit school, you are still in school.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.35 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.36
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.36 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.37
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.37 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.38
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.38 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.39
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.39 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.40
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.40 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.41
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.41 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.42
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.42 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.43
PART 1: Become acutely aware of your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) regarding the Known and the Unknown by reading and doing Experiments in the Speak From The Unknown website. With your new Clarity, explain to someone,"I used to think that the Known has more value than the Unknown. I have been afraid of being seen as someone who values the Unknown."
Then say something like, "Now I am going through a Thoughtware Upgrade Liquid State where I am becoming friendly with the Unknown. Modern culture values what it knows, but the modern culture approach is exterminating life on Earth. There is a so much space between my Knowledge Continents. The Unknown is bigger than the Known, and it is no longer forbidden territory. The Unknown is so big that I would be a fool to think I can encompass it, yet I am developing the capacity to Speak From The Unknown. I am skipping over my rehearsed statements and safe topics, and instead I Notice what is interesting, entertaining, or otherwise valuable. I am leaving behind my First Thoughts, and sometimes even my Second Thoughts. Then what comes to mind is truly alive because it was just born in that instant. It is alive because it is Improvised, ex-tempore - 'it comes from outside of time'. The Unknown is at my side as a rich resource of unexpected and unformulated Clarity and Possibility."
Then write what you just said into your Beep! Book.
PART 2: Test the value of your Upgraded Thoughtware. In this case, your Experiment could be to offer a 2 hour experiential Workshop where you train participants how to Speak From The Unknown. Give them a short introduction to the value of reaching beyond their standard knowledge. Explain how to wait internally rather than hooking their mouth directly to their brain. Then send them into groups of 3 in chairs or into online breakout rooms, with instructions that one person takes the the role of Possibilitator who will practice Speaking From The Unknown, one person takes the role of Interviewer who asks the Possibilitator questions about a theme of the Interviewer's choice, and the third person takes the role of Coach who offers encouraging ideas to the Possibilitator, for example, that the Possibilitator not say anything they have ever said before, anything that they think they know about. Or that the Possibilitator not laugh at their own startling sparkliness when the Unknown presents extraordinary jewels, because that may disconnect the Possibilitator from the Unknown and bring them back into their own limited mind. After 12 minutes, the Participants change roles in their groups of 3. After another 12 minutes, the Participants change roles again so they get to practice in all 3 roles. Then you reorganize the Participants into new groups of 3 and cycle them through practicing in the 3 roles again. After that, take some sharing and answer any questions (of course, from the Unknown). Voila! The two hours are gone. If each Participant pays €30 and you have 24 participants, you bring in €720. Do this 3 times in a month and you can quit your corporate job, plus a lot of people join your Circle and learn to tap into one of the Infinite Resources which they can then use for creating Nonmaterial Value for the rest of their lives to help them build out their part of Archiarchy.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.43 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.44
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.44 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.45
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After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.47 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
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Matrix Code 50THOUGH.49
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.49 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.50
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.50 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code 50THOUGH.51
By now you have a glimpsed the immensity of the Treasure pouring through Possibilitators in the way of Archan Thoughtware Upgrades. The above 50 websites are only a small fraction of the nearly 700 websites presently online through the StartOver.xyz platform. These websites together form an interconnected cloud of Clarity and Possibility that are forbidden by the context of Modern Culture educational services. How far will you go?
How far can you go?
Starting over does not mean to repeat what you have already explored. The point is that by Upgrading your Thoughtware, you become a new person. You are not the same 'you' who began your journey.
Once you experience the transformation of an Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Process, you are capable of providing that Initiation for others. This is an entirely new challenge, to Cavitate, Hold, and Navigate Transformational Space.
After doing PART 1 and PART 2 of this Experiment, please record Matrix Code 50THOUGH.51 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
SpacePort = YouPort
The StartOver.xyz SpacePort is a platform for launching you into your next Thoughtware Upgrade adventures!
Simply page down at SpacePort to find an alphabetical list of 600+ StartOver.xyz websites, each one packed with powerful new Thoughtware and Experiments for you to try.
Doing the Experiments builds authentic Matrix in your Being that expands your awareness and amplifies your agency.
Be sure to record the Matrix Points you earn from each Experiment that you do in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Thank you for thinking wildly!
S.P.A.R.K. stands for Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge.
Download any S.P.A.R.K. you want for free.
S.P.A.R.K.s are copyleft open-code thoughtware-upgrades, written by Clinton Callahan for the Creative Commons (CC BY SA 4.0 International License).
You can share S.P.A.R.K.s with your whole Circle of friends.
Experimenting with one S.P.A.R.K. per week is perfect timing.
For High Level Fun practice the exercises together during your weekly S.P.A.R.K. Study Group or your Possibility Team meetings!
S.T.A.R.R. stands for Startling Tales About Radical Responsibility.
This website shares video snippets of our lives with you. Not just any snippet... but those startling moments when we try to apply Radical Responsibility.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't work. That's why we think of these as 'Experiments'. We are Experimenters.
We are not trying to present you with polished methods. There aren't any. We are sharing our discoveries with you along our experiential journey.
Each video is a window into a precious moment. So many precious moments already passed before we figured out that we could share our High Level Fun with you so that you could try it yourself.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code 50THOUGH.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!